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How to Save Money on AC During the Summer Time


Longer days, warmer temperatures and outdoor activities are just a few things that most people love about summer. Yet, there are some aspects of the hot summer months that are not as pleasant. As the heat goes up, so does your energy bill. If you are someone who finds yourself with outrageous cooling expenses throughout the summer, OnTime Home Services can help create a plan to help you minimize your use of the air conditioning and save money. Through air conditioning maintenance in Irvine, CA, your system can operate with maximum efficiency.

Check the Thermostat

While the whole purpose of investing in air conditioning installation in Irvine, CA, is to stay cool in the summer months, doing so will come at an expense. This doesn’t mean that you have to stay so hot that it is uncomfortable in the summertime, but you do need to be aware of your thermostat settings. Setting the temperature higher than usual is not necessary; just set it to be cool enough. It is best if it provides humidity control if needed. Use fans or wear lighter clothing to help save you money in the long run.

Program Your Thermostat

If you don’t want to limit the temperature inside your home at all times, raising your thermostat for just eight hours during the day can make an impact on your electric or gas bill. Many individuals choose to do this when they are sleeping or away at work, so it isn’t as noticeable. Limiting the air conditioner’s use can also save you money and put off air conditioning replacement in Irvine, CA.

Schedule Routine Maintenance

Ensuring your unit is working at its optimal potential can also help you save money on air conditioning during the summer. Scheduling timely air conditioning services in Irvine, CA, can reduce the likelihood of larger issues and repairs down the road, as well.

Contact the Professionals

Don’t attempt to accomplish this goal alone. OnTime Home Services can help prepare you for the hottest months of the year by checking if you need air conditioning repair in Irvine, CAContact us today to see how we can help you save money on your air conditioning use throughout the summer.

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