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Maintain Your Indoor Air Quality With Regular Service


A properly functioning air conditioning system controls indoor air quality as well as the indoor house temperature. Filter systems help purify air brought in from outside the home as well as air recirculated throughout the house. These filters block particles from airborne pollutants as well as naturally occurring antigens such as pollen and bacteria. At On Time Home Services Heating & Air Conditioning we are experts at setting up and maintaining air quality systems.

When to Get Air Conditioning Service

If you do not know the last time you had service performed in your home, it may be a good idea to schedule it right away. One sign of poor indoor air quality is when the occupants of the home experience frequent colds or feel a general malaise. To avoid these types of problems, many homeowners set up a regular schedule of inspections on a yearly basis. Customers who call for Temecula heater repair can also get an inspection of their air filtration system during the same service call.

What We Do

Proper indoor air quality control starts with proper ventilation to aid the free flow of air throughout the system. We use flow monitors to ensure proper airflow, and then use air quality detectors to check for levels of air pollutants or other particles. In addition, we calculate the capacity for the heating systems and stoves and make sure they are set to safe levels. We finish the service call by cleaning and/or replacing the filters and adding additional filtering systems, if necessary.  To set up an appointment, contact On Time Home Services Heating & Air Conditioning at (949) 649-8777

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