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A Home Safety Inspection Prepare You for Natural Disasters


Natural disasters and other emergencies can strike when you least expect them. California has a history of natural disasters, especially earthquakes. In this year’s Great ShakeOut, millions of Californians are joining in on earthquake preparedness drills so that they can be prepared for California’s next unexpected emergency. A home safety inspection by On Time Home Services Temecula, a leading Temecula HVAC service specialist, can help you be more prepared for the unexpected by ensuring that all of your HVAC units are in proper working order.

Emergency Preparedness Safety Tips

Southern California Gas Co. (SoCalGas) offers the following safety tips for preparing for emergency situations:

  • Know where your gas meter is so that you can turn it off if you smell gas, hear gas leaking, or see signs of a leak. Be sure to turn your gas meter off ONLY if you have been advised that it is safe to do so. Keep a large adjustable wrench on hand with your emergency supplies.
  • Strap your water heater to the wall studs in two places in order to help prevent it from moving or toppling in an earthquake. We at On Time Home Services Temecula can help you do this.
  • Receive a home safety inspection to ensure that all appliances and safety devices are functioning properly. Make any needed repairs to your furnace and other gas appliances.

Call On Time Home Services Temecula for All of Your Safety Inspection Needs

Do not wait until it is too late to prepare for an emergency situation. Call On Time Home Services Temecula at (949) 649-8777 for a home safety inspection today.

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