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Energy Waste and Your Home



In Southern California, cooling the days and heating the night our daily realities. When you need to save money, figuring out the sources of energy waste in your home is of paramount importance. At On Time Home Services Heating and Air Conditioning of Temecula, we help customers make their homes more energy-efficient. In particular, there are a few basic tips that can help you keep your utility bills under wraps.

Keep your air conditioner maintained

One of the main things that are overlooked when evaluating which steps to take toward being energy-efficient is maintaining appliances. For example, if you do not regularly change the filter on your air conditioning unit, it will cause the motor to need more energy to run. Naturally, if you practice proper air conditioner maintenance and change the filter every month, it will have minimal wear and tear on your air conditioner’s motor. Long-term, you will save money by not needing to have the central air unit replaced.

Finding all of the air leaks

We like to think that our home is airtight, but the truth is that it is filled with cracks. Sadly, there are hundreds of tiny holes that allow hot and cold air to escape through the walls. In addition to air conditioner repair, contractors will help you to identify places where you have drafts. Using special devices, silicone and other insulators can be used to stop energy loss.

Stop running the air conditioner so much

Obviously, a home that is new will have the latest in HVAC technology. On the other hand, an older home may have an outdated system. This could mean that the air ducts are slim and do not deliver enough hot or cold air to certain parts of the home. Naturally, when a room is hot, homeowners will simply adjust the thermostat. Alternatively, you can save money on your utilities by contacting a Temecula air conditioner company. Once an air conditioner inspection is made, helpful ideas for circulating the air become more plausible.

A few final energy saving tips

Did you know that there can be significant heat loss behind your furnace if it is next to a bare wall? However, if you put a piece of aluminum siding behind it, you can save money on your energy bill each month. Other energy-saving tips are installing an attic fan to dissipate hot air, getting a computerized thermostat and installing ceiling fans. If you like this advice, imagine what we can do in your home. To get started with ending energy waste, call On Time Home Services Heating and Air Conditioning of Temecula at (949) 649-8777

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