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New Year’s Resolutions for Energy Conservation


National Cut Your Energy Costs Day is coming up on January 10! It might not be as festive as ringing in the new year, but celebrating this holiday can save you some serious money and help you save the planet. Burning less fuel means you will see lower utility bills this year, and you will reduce your carbon footprint and contribute less damage to the environment.

At On Time Home Services, we love to help our customers find easy ways to use less energy at home and save money. Here are six new year’s resolutions for energy conservation to add into your life in 2019.

1. Turn off the lights.

This might sound obvious, but we all forget to do it sometimes. Turn off unused lights all over your home, especially when the house is empty. You will thank yourself when the electric bill comes in the mail.

2. Turn down the thermostat.

While it can be tempting to blast your heat in the chilly winter or your AC in the sweltering summer, try resisting the urge by just a few degrees. In California, we can usually rely on a cozy sweater and a blanket for warmth since the temperature doesn’t drastically drop for winter. Try adding a few layers of clothes before you maximize the heat. In the summertime, AC is pretty critical here. But if you remember to turn it off or down before you leave the house empty, that can help reduce your energy consumption too.

3. Use the ceiling fan year-round.

Did you know your ceiling fan can be used in the summer and the winter? Ceilings fans offer a great way to cool down without cranking up the AC during the summer. But if you rotate the blades counterclockwise, they will circulate warm air downward. Since the hot air from your furnace or heat pump rises up to the ceiling, using your fan will help push it closer to you. This heats your home more efficiently in the winter.

4. Use your curtains or blinds.

The sun is an excellent source of natural energy. Let sunlight provide natural light and warmth through the window during the day. At night, close up your blinds or thick curtains to seal in warmth.

5. Use LED light bulbs.

According to the U. S. Department of Energy, residential LEDs – especially ENERGY STAR-rated products – use at least 75% less energy, and last 25 times longer, than incandescent lighting. If you switch out your old incandescent bulbs for LEDs, you can cut back on energy consumption and drastically lower your electric bill.

6. Change your air filter regularly.

When your air filter gets clogged up with too much dust, pollen, debris, and other airborne particles from your ductwork, your HVAC becomes less efficient. Your Heat Pump or AC has to work extra hard to push air through the clogged filter so it can adjust the temperature of your home. In order to help your HVAC system run smoothly and efficiently, change your air filter at least once every 90 days. In homes with lots of dust, pet hair, or smoke, we recommend changing your filter once every 30 days.

Stick to these new year’s resolutions for energy conservation, and you will definitely cut your utility costs in 2019.

We hope everyone has a happy new year and saves some money on utilities! Do you have any new year’s resolutions for energy conservation we didn’t think to add? Share them with us on Facebook.

Are you looking for professional HVAC services near Temecula, California? On Time Home Services has a team of NATE-certified and experienced HVAC technicians who are here to help find the right air purification solutions for you! Give us a call at (949) 649-8777

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